Proton-Proton Collisions Data
The ATLAS Collaboration released over 6 billion proton-proton collisions with accompanying simulations. All these events were released in PHYSLITE format, a light format used internally for analysis.
Search for Data
Inside the main entry point of proton-proton collision open data you will find eleven different links that point to different datasets. These are explained below.
We have two datasets with detector data:
- Run 2 2015 proton-proton collision data: Detector data for the 2015 run, with an integrated luminosity of ~3.2 fb
- Run 2 2016 proton-proton collision data: Detector data for the 2016 run, with an integrated luminosity of ~33 fb
We have seven groups for Standard Model Monte Carlo samples. Four for nominal samples:
- MC simulation electroweak boson nominal samples.
- MC simulation Higgs nominal samples.
- MC simulation QCD jet nominal samples.
- MC simulation top nominal samples.
Three for alternative samples for the calculation of systematic variations (since the systematics for electroweak boson are included in the nominal datasets):
- MC simulation Higgs systematic variation samples.
- MC simulation QCD jet systematic variation samples.
- MC simulation top systematic variation samples.
And two groups for Beyond the Standard Model signal samples: