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🤿 Deep Dive

For extended use. Let's dive into what ATLAS has to offer!

Welcome to the ATLAS open data! You are currently in the deep dive path, designed for students or teachers who want to use our resources over multiple sessions.

Setting Up Hybrid Environments​

We recommend setting up one of the two hybrid environments: Docker or virtual machines. Instructions for setting them up can be found in the Hybrid Platforms section.

Analysis Methods​

We offer two main ways to conduct analysis: through frameworks and notebooks.

The format you choose will depend on your data usage goals. If you're unsure where to start, try the Quick Start Path to familiarize yourself with the analyses.

Example Analyses​

The available analyses are explained in the documentation within the Example Analysis section.

Advanced Tutorials​

If you have explored the analyses for education, consider advancing to the PHYSLITE Tutorial. Although aimed at researchers, it offers insights into how searches are conducted at ATLAS.

General Information​

For general information about the LHC and the ATLAS experiment, explore the following sections:

Data for Education​

If you are curious about open data for education and want to know how to access data beyond the proposed analyses, check out these sections: