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How to Use the Data

In the previous section, you can navigate the interactive dataset explorer to browse and select datasets for download. However, we recommend using the data remotely.

ATLAS Digital Archive

Retrieving File URLs

To obtain the URL of a specific dataset, simply right-click on your chosen dataset in the navigator and select "Copy link." If you wish to download the data, choose the .zip version of the dataset. For streaming the data directly, you can systematically construct the URL.

The base URL is, which hosts all the datasets. For example, if you want to access the 2-lepton samples, look for the "2lep" directory in the navigator, where you'll find subfolders for Data and MC. Suppose you want to access an MC file named mc_301323.ZPrime500_tt.2lep.root. To stream this file, the full URL would be:

Accessing Data

You can stream the data directly into your code without downloading the full dataset to your local machine. Here’s a Python example using ROOT to open a file:

import ROOT

file_url = ""
file = ROOT.TFile.Open(file_url)

This approach allows for efficient access to large datasets hosted remotely on ATLAS's servers.

Use examples

For examples on how to retrieve the data and use it for analysis check our 13 TeV tutorials.