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Phoenix for Event Visualisation with PHYSLITE

🚧 May 2024: Under construction

Visualizing an event inside the detector opens a path to a deeper understanding of the physical processes resulting from a collision. One commonly used tool for event vizualisation is Phoenix, a framework that allows 3D visualisation of collision events inside the detector.

The event in the image above is ___. However, you can display any event of your choice by utilizing the open data available in PHYSLITE format. In the following subsection, you will find a guide through the process of utilizing Athena software to achieve this visualization.

Transforming PHYSLITE to JSON​

Phoenix accepts data in JSON or JiveXML formats. We will focus in the JSON format.

To transform a PHYSLITE file into a JSON for Phoenix, you need:

  1. PHYSLITE file: The datasets can be found in the CERN Open Data portal, and the instructions on how to search for one of our open data PHYSLITE datasets are in Accessing the Data.
  2. Athena software: The Athena software can be run locally in a container, instructions for this are in Getting Started with Containers for Analysis.

To transform the PHYSLITE into a JSON file that can be read by Phoenix, we are going to use the DumpEventDataToJSON algorithm, included in Athena. First, set up Athena>=25.0.2.

Under construction 🚧

To use the DumpEventDataToJSON algorithm, use the following command:

python -m DumpEventDataToJSON.DumpEventDataToJSONConfig --filesInput path/to/physlite -o name_output.json

At this point you should have a JSON, name_of_file.json, to upload to Phoenix. You can open your own files using the file upload dialog (third, right to left, in the figure below)

You can open your own files using the File upload dialog (third, right to left)
Fig. 1: Phoenix bar. The file upload dialog is the one inside the red square.

For more information about the use of Phoenix, see the Phoenix User Guide.